Setting Up WSL On Windows 11


Guide to setup WSL

Enabling WSL

In the possibility that you do not have WSL enabled by default. I’ve listed a command below that can be run through an elevated PowerShell to enable that environment/program.

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart


wsl –install (If you see WSL help text try and run wsl –list –online)

Enabling WSL Version 2

Restart your computer, sign back into your machine, and open another elevated Powershell prompt. Once open again run the command below.

wsl --set-default-version 2

WSL 2 requires an update to its kernel component. For information please visit

If you are are promted with the above message. Open this link -> WSL Kernel. Download and install the WSL kernel. Once the kernel is downloaded and installed run wsl --set-default-version 2 again.

Installing your favorite Distro

With Powershell 7 still open in admin mode run the command to change your distro

Run wsl –list –online before the below command so you can decide which distro you want to run virtually on your system.

wsl –install -d <Distribution Name> (Replace with the name of the distribution you would like to install.)

Fixing Microsoft’s Office 365 Navigation Bar

Lately, in technology news, Microsoft has made changes to the Office 365 Navigation Bar in Outlook making some users frustrated. Thankfully, with this post I have a set of steps below to identify the issue and fix it.

Image was captured from Microsoft’s Technet forum

Fixing The Navigation Bar

Here’s a list of steps to fix the navigation bar in Outlook for Office 365.

1. Close Microsoft Outlook
2. Open the Run box with WIN+R and enter outlook.exe /safe
3. Did not find the Outlook toggle – Coming Soon
4. Close the Outlook version running in safe mode
5. Reopen Outlook

Navigation Bar After The Fix

Image was captured from Microsoft’s Technet forum